Holiday Snapshots Christmas 2015 + New Year
Hi friends!
I am so happy that I can use my blog as a kind of journal to keep pictures and memories in. I think blogs are so special because they allow you to see little glimpses of someone else's life and captured moments. I think that's why it's so fascinating to follow/read someone's blog because it makes you feel connected to them in a way. You get to learn what's important to them and see what they create and do.. Maybe it's just me, but I love following bloggers for that reason!
I had such a wonderful holiday season! I hope that all of you did too. It's real late for this post, but I wanted to wait until I got my blog up and runnin' and this is just the earliest that I could get it out there, but better late than never right?!
I'm gonna make a few disclaimers about these pictures:
1. I'm sorry the quality is not great, most of these pictures were taken in very low lighting so they look a bit grainy!
2. I had bronchitis over the break and did not feel very well during some of these events so I didn't mess with fixing the lighting or quality and I also didn't get to capture everything that I wanted to! :/
But it's the memories created that count! :D
Fred and I's first holiday stop was visiting my family! We all got to share a DELICIOUS dinner (I'm serious the food was so good) and stay in a Scottish Inn together. It was so beautiful there and everything was so festive. It really got me in the Christmas spirit!
I mean how gorgeous is this place?!
My adorable dinner date and fiancé! ^^^
This was 3 of the 6 courses I believe... we ate SOO much food!
The whole gang! I love these people with all of my heart! Such treasured times spent together.
The two most beautiful women in the world. My lovely mother and gorgeous sister.
Our cabin had a hot tub and I'm pretty sure we stayed in it for way to long!! It was pouring down rain on us the entire time and it was so fun to swim in the rain and stay up talking. Little did we know that this is when my fever was coming on... When we came in from the rain I could not stop shaking. We had no idea what was wrong with me! I took a shower to warm up and Fred practically had to smother me with blankets and rub my arms and back to bring me back to warmth but I was pretty much shaking the entire night. The next day we found out that I had a fever!
Fred and Pistachio putting together my mom's new trampoline. Pistachio is such a little helper!
My mom's famous flan! It is so so good! I look forward to having it every year!
Little Puff waiting for some crumbs to fall.
I bought Puff and Pistachio coordinating Christmas sweaters. Puff loved wearing hers, but Pistachio would fight me every time I tried to get it on him. He just loves to do his own thing.
A picture of my sister and I on Christmas morning many years ago! ^
This cutie on Christmas morning ^^ It was so nice to be able to wake up Christmas morning and open gifts with Fred's family. I love seeing him so excited and happy. His family of course was far too generous and we had a lot of presents to open. My fever was over 102 and I was not feeling too great ha so I didn't get all of the pictures that I wanted to. Both his sister and brother-in-law and my sister and brother-in-law made us special engagement gifts. Audrey and Kyle made us an adorable wall piece for our future apartment together. Kacey and James made us a Christmas ornament and a "words of wisdom box" that contains a new piece of advice from our loved ones for each day until the wedding day! All of these gifts are already cherished by us and I wish I could have taken some pictures of them!
Fred's mom made us an amazing breakfast!
This is the scarf that Fred made for me as one of my Christmas gifts. He always makes me the most thoughtful gifts. He is so crafty and I'm so thankful for him!
Audrey and Kyle and their sweet dog Enzo! ^
I loveee this picture of my parents! I don't know if I have a better picture that represents them. They are so warm and welcoming and always make my Christmases so special and precious.
Our New Year's kiss! ^
We got to spend New Year's Eve with my family and I'm incredibly thankful for that! My sister and brother-in-law were in from out of state so it was the best having more days to spend with them!
The rest are just some silly photos from our Photo Booth props!
Hope you enjoyed!
Have a joy filled day!
Christina xx
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