Our Book Loft Adventure

Hi friends!

I'M BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
& it feels so good to be blogging again!

I've missed creating and sharing content with all of you so much! Our wedding was July 23rd and we were not back from our honeymoon until August. We are just now starting to feel more settled into our new place. I moved all of my things into our apartment two days before the wedding so it was super chaotic for us! We've been working on putting everything together and today we finally got around to hanging some wall art that we've wanted up. So needless to say, everything has been a work in progress and taking a lot of time for us to do. Both of us were spending a lot of time at work throughout the wedding planning too so we have needed some time to just slow down now that it's passed and we're all moved in. I've also been struggling with health issues which has really slowed me down a lot. We've working hard to find a routine to help me heal the best we can. I haven't shared much on my blog about my illness, but I plan on blogging more about chronic illness (Ulcerative Colitis & Crohn's) specifically. I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis in February of 2015  and this summer the flare up I was in took a turn for the worst. We've been playing around with diet, exercise, lifestyle changes and medicine and it's been very challenging to say the least. To be able to start up the blog again has made me incredibly happy! Not only do I plan on blogging more regularly, but I also I plan on blogging more than ever before- God willing & the creek don't rise! I have so many fun posts on the way-- fall style, DIY, recipes & home decor! I also have a TON of wedding DIY ideas from our wedding that I can't wait to share with you guys and I'll be sharing a post of our wedding very soon because we just got back our wedding gallery! It makes me so happy to have a place to share the adventures that we go on as newlyweds. I love having this space to keep those memories and it's a fun way to share with loved ones, so follow along with our journey! :) 

These pictures are from a little weekend date that we went on this week. Both of us have always wanted to explore The Book Loft and we decided to mark it off our bucket list. The book loft is a 32 room book store and it's so cute. The outside is magical, definitely a great date spot! We didn't even get to see all of the rooms and we still spent so much more time there then we thought we would. There were so many cool books that we would stop to flip through. They had an awesome selection of Fashion themed books that we got to too late. By the time we reached that room, both of us were hungry for coffee and treats. However, I did get to read through one book that was all about handbags of different eras. It inspired me to go thrifting to find some old handbags to redesign and makeover. 

After the book loft, we ventured to Starbucks to have the first PSL of the season! I've been drinking iced pumpkin spice lattes, but we always save the first warm one to share together. Fred got a pumpkin cheesecake bar treat there, but I wanted chocolates so we left to go find some. I got a salted caramel truffle, maple cream truffle and cookie dough truffle. They were all delicious, but maple cream is the way to go! 

It was the perfect Sunday made of all of my favorite things, Fred, books, pumpkin lattes and chocolate! It's such a blessing to feel good and be out and about exploring! I pray we never take our good health days for granted. 

P.S - All of the Halloween + Fall decorated stoops are soo cute! They are not ours, but I had to snap a few pics because I love 'em so much!

Have a wonderful, blessed Sunday guys! :D

Christina xx


  1. I love the book loft! I'm glad you guys got to cross it off your bucket lists! I need to drag Kyle through it someday soon!


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