Tips On Keeping Holiday Packages Safe!

Hi guys!

With Christmas being just around the corner, I wanted to share some tips with you on how to keep your packages safe! Every year there's a lot of theft with online orders (especially over the holiday season). I don't know about you, but I did most of my holiday shopping online this year. I generally prefer to online shop because it isn't as overwhelming for me and I can do it in my pajamas! I also love receiving packages, it brightens my day when I get mail. So if you're like me and you like to avoid the lines, hopefully some of the tips will be helpful to you in your ordering! 

My go-to tips are:

1. Request a signature for the delivery.

2. Try to schedule the delivery or track it to find out when it's scheduled to be delivered so you can plan to be there or have someone there.

3. If you live in an apartment complex, see if the main office building will hold the package for you and have it get delivered there.
*This is my favorite tip for apartment life!*

4. Leave delivery instructions if you can, Fedex allows this. That way, you can give a secret spot to leave the package so it's not as visible as it would be on your doorstep.

5. Look into different security systems for your home and not just for packages or the holidays but to be safe all year round! For example, SimpliSafe home security has designed a new type of wireless security system to deter even the most determined intruder while protecting your entire home! 

What are your best tips for keeping holiday packages safe? Do you have anything that works really well for you? Let me know!

Have a happy Tuesday!


Christina xx
