Goodbye 2016, Hello 2017!


Happy New Year friends!!!

I thought it would be fun to do a recap of some of my favorite memories/moments from 2016 and then share some of my new year's resolutions with you! I love personal posts like this, because they're so nice to look back on in the future. Just to warn you, I have a lot of favorite moments probably because of all of our wedding fun... And I have a lot of resolutions because I do every year. I love the fresh start of the new year. I consider myself a pretty reflective person so I usually have a lot of things that I want to work on or improve about myself. I love to read the resolutions of other people too because it inspires me! I hope 2017 makes your dreams a reality!

 Hope you enjoy this post!


Christina xx


1. Treehouse Stay @ The Mohicans
This treehouse was seriously magical. We had such a good time there together and I'd love to go back one day.
2. Ypsilanti Michigan Trip
It was so nice being reunited with my friends on this trip! We had so much fun shopping around the town. We found many hidden treasures and I found so much inspiration from this trip.
3. Dress Shopping With My Bridesmaids
This was such a fun day! I loved having all of my girls together it made my heart so happy! (We missed you Kac!) I'll never forget this day and finding unique dresses for everyone!
4. Finding My Wedding Dress
I found my dress with my mom and it was a cold, snowy weekend that she came to town and stayed with me. We had so much fun that weekend! We went to a bridal show, we did some wedding planning, we ordered food in one night and had some wine and chocolate. It was such a memorable weekend and I'm so grateful that my mom was by my side. We didn't buy the dress right away because I'm super indecisive, but once we left it I couldn't stop thinking about it! When we did go to purchase it, my dad came too and I will never forget that day. It was so special to have him there with me and see me as a bride. We all went to lunch afterwards to celebrate.
5. Our Annual Valentine's Day Date In
Every Valentine's Day, Fred & I find a new meal and dessert and stay in and make it together. It's become a tradition and this was our last Valentine's Day living apart. I would always drive to his apartment and we would make sure his roommates wouldn't be needing the kitchen. I'm super excited for our first Valentine's Day together in our place.
6. Getting Our Marriage License
This was an awesome day! True joy when we saw that license!
7. Mermaid Bridal Shower
My family & bridesmaids & friends went above and beyond to make this shower so special to me. Every detail was perfect! My merm-maid-of-honor, Tiffany made me feel like a queen!
8. French Inspired Bridal Shower
This shower was thrown by my sister-in-law, Audrey & family and it was so beautiful. Every detail of this shower was perfect and thought out too. The treats were delicious and the games were so cute!
9. Beyonce Bachelorette Party
My maid of honor and bridesmaids killed it in planning my bachelorette party. I am Beyonce obsessed and they threw me the most amazing theme party. We also took an aerial silks & dance class and it was so much fun!
10. Rehearsal Dinner @ Schmidt's
I loved our rehearsal dinner! It was such a good time and I love the vibes at Schmidt's! Great food and great company! We did have to perform a sing along to "Love Shack" so it took some courage, my husband and our best friends to get me out on that floor! After the dinner, Fred gave me his wedding present to me and it's hands down my favorite gift ever received. He made us a coffee table from part of his childhood coffee table and carved a bible verse on it. It means so much to me. <3
11. Morning + Bridesmaid Breakfast Of Our Big Day
The morning of the wedding, my mom had a breakfast for all of bridesmaids and me and it's such a special memory to me. I'm so glad that my sweet friend Erin joined us too!
12. Our Day
July 23, 2016. 
Most magical day. We're very blessed to have this day and all of the memories that come with it. Everyone made it incredibly special for us. 
13. Palm Beach Honeymoon
Our honeymoon was the funnest. So much relaxing by the pool, on the beach and even in the room. We ate so much delicious foods and had so many yummy drinks. We spent like $40 on cake that week, so we definitely enjoyed ourselves! It was so fun to explore and adventure together the first time as a married couple. Also, our hotel was pink and adorable. I loved it so much!
14. Moving In Together
Our first couple of days together in our new place were so wonderful. We went around and marveled at every little details. We got so many wonderful gifts from the showers and the wedding. We got to use our new kitchen equipment and decorate our space together. Every night felt like a sleepover!
15. Our First Married Date Nights
Early fall, Fred & I had a couple date nights a week! It was such a good time exploring our new neighborhood. We took a lot of bike rides and explored a lot of parks. We also went to some local festivals and tried the food and took lots of pictures. So many good memories from our date nights!
16. Brooke's Wedding
My sweet friend got married in September and it was lovely being a part of her big day! Her family and friends are seriously amazing and they made Fred and I feel so welcome and at home. Her wedding was magic. The sunset outside at their reception was the most beautiful sky that I've ever seen in my life. I am convinced that heaven showed up :)
17. Fall Dates With My Mom & Grandma
I cherish dates with my mom and grandma like no others! We had some very fun fall days picking pumpkins, buying flowers, eating brunches and just enjoying the beautiful weather. Oh and we made a few trips to Ulta along the way ;) These days are very special to me and there are never enough of them.
18. Visiting A Healing Chapel With My Parents 
I went to a healing chapel with my parents and it was such a nice day. It felt so peaceful to spend our afternoon there in prayer. It also means so much to me that they took me on this trip and do so much for me to feel better. 
19. Christmas Tree Festival
Fred took me on a fun, festive date to a Christmas Tree Festival and I had such a good night. He had wanted to take me the past two years and we missed it so we were both excited to make it this year. All of the trees were so so pretty and it really got me in this Christmas spirit and started our holiday season off right!
20. Our First Married Christmas
There are so many good memories for me this holiday season. Decorating our apartment for Christmas was very special. I loved putting up our little tinsel tree and decorating it. We've also sat by our fireplace a few times and enjoyed a toasty fire. Both of our family Christmases were wonderful and our trip to our Christmas cabin was such a nice getaway! My sister's been home and we've gotten to do all of our holiday traditions together: a baking day, OC + massage nights, shopping the day after Christmas. & My mom's New Year's party was the perfect way to end 2016. I got to be my grandpa's kiss at midnight with a kiss on the cheek! I asked his what his secret to longevity was and he said that he keeps going no matter what and that he enjoys every single day of his life. My inspo for 2017!!! We got to catch up with my cousin Kathleen who has grown up so much and into such a sweet girl! Fred met her for the first time at the party. And it was just a wonderful night with friends with so much promise and excitement for the new year ahead! 
Welcome 2017!


1. Seek God, Every Day
I want to make time to have "quiet time" with the Lord to read the word and be in prayer.

2. Mediate + Focus On Well Being
I want to make more time for meditation and reading/journaling/coloring to help my anxiety and reduce stress levels.

3. Exercise Regularly 
Everyone says this one every year, but I know exercise is essential in keeping me strong physically and mentally with my illness. Plus, it always boosts my mood!

4. Read More
This is also one of Fred's resolutions. I'm hoping that means we will spend more time reading and discussing our separate books together. I have so many books that I want to read for fun and for self-help reasons. I'm very excited to start!

5. Practice Yoga
I started practicing yoga again towards the end of the year, but with the holiday rush I have not practiced in weeks. Yoga helps my body and mind to feel so much more relaxed. I have a lot of joint and muscle pain that is greatly relieved when I take the time to stretch every day.

6. Do The Little Things I've Always Wanted To  
There are a few little cafes that I've never been to and have always wanted to go to. I've also always wanted to go roller skating with Fred. I've decided to make these little things more of a priority. 

7. Try New Recipes
My sister made Fred & I this incredible cookbook for Christmas. It is a compilation of all of our favorite recipes from relatives. I plan on making us more yummy dinners, drinks and desserts!

8. Worry Less
This is always one of my resolutions because I fail so miserably at it each year. I'm not quite sure how to lose my worry problem because it's always been something that I've struggled with, but I'm going to try really hard to grow my faith.

9. Choose Joy
I've always been a joyful person, but this year I have struggled tremendously to stay joyful and positive. I have let my physical pains get the best of me and they have taken a toll on me mentally as well. I want to work harder to cultivate joy in all circumstances and stay positive.

10. Pray More 
I want to make prayer part of my daily routine. Last year, I did not invest enough into my prayer life.

11. Buy Wisely
I want to research more about what I buy and make good decisions. I'd like to buy more green and organic products when I can. 

12. Fight For Healing
I get very frustrated and exhausted trying to help myself heal my chronic illness, but I'm going to continue to work hard with diet, lifestyle changes, natural remedies, research and medication to find the combination that gives me the healthiest life I can have. I may not have found that combination yet, but I believe it is out there and I won't give up!

13. Encourage Others
I would like to spend more time encouraging others and surprising others with act of kindness.

14. Be More Sure Of Myself
I'd like to be more confident in my choices. I'm very indecisive and I want to make faster decisions and be more sure of them. I need to practice my assertiveness because it's a weakness of mine. I admire people who are sure in their choices and choose boldly.

15. Paint My Nails More
This one is obviously the most petty haha but I always say I'm going to take the time to paint my nails and then I get lazy and don't. Fred loves painted nails and I'm always happy when mine look pretty so I've decided to do it more.


  1. Replies
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  4. I want to use this oppotunity to thank Dr Osebor for helping me to win the lottery.I have been playing the lottery for the past 2 years now and the only big money i have ever won was 1000$.Ever since then i have not been able to win again and i was so upset and i need help to win the lottery so i decided to go online and search for help,there i saw so many good talk about this man called Dr Osebor of how he have cast spell for people to win the lottery.I contact him also and tell him i want to win a lottery he cast a spell for me which i use and i get my ticket and play and i won $50million.I am so greatful to this man just incase you also need him to help you win,you can contact him through his email: or call OR WHAT SAPP him at +2349066110887

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  7. I want to give a testimony on how I got cured from Herpes Virus. Few months back I was having some symptoms . I went to see a doctor and many blood tests was done on me, later on I was told I had Herpes. My doctor told me that there’s no cure for Herpes I felt bad, I went online searching for a possible cure for Herpes virus, I saw a post of Dr. LUCKY a herbal doctor that’s helping people get cured from HIV, HEPATITIS B, CANCER e.t.c. I contacted him and I told him how I’m feeling he said his herbal medicine can cure me. He sent me the medicine and I received the medicine some days after he sent it, i took the medicine as prescribed by him. Before the completion of the medication the symptoms stopped. I went to the doctor and carried out another blood test, surprisingly I was negative. I haven’t had any symptoms anymore. Dr. LUCKY is great, and his herbal medicine has no side effects. You can reach him on his Email: ( or whatsApp him on +2348154637647


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  12. Hi Friends!!

    I am so glad to writing this article today to tell the world how Dr. Owobami Ayedun cured my HSV VIRUS. I have been suffering from this awful disease five years ago, ever since then my life has been incomplete bizarre and agony,I have used so many drugs that were prescribed to me by several doctors,but it didn't cure my HSV VIRUS neither did it reduce the pain, until a certain day when I was checking for solution in the internet, then miraculously came across Dr. Owobami Ayedun the powerful herbalist that cures numerous individuals of HSV 1-2, ALS, HBV, HIV, and other deadly diseases, then I contacted him directly through his email: and explained everything to him and he told me not to worry anymore that this is the end of my herpes virus. I placed an order after 6 days I receive his herbal medicine and he gave me instruction on how to use it. Today I am here happily sharing my cure to everyone to know that Dr.Owobami Ayedun has the cure to any diseases or virus. He can also cast a Love spell to get your ex-husband, wife, boyfriend, and girlfriend back. Anyone reading this post should share and refer to others who need help to cure to contact Dr.Owobami Ayedun for a lasting solution.

  13. Joy and happiness is all i see around ever since i came in contact with this great man. i complained bitterly to him about me having herpes only for him to tell me it’s a minor stuff. He told me he has cured thousands of people but i did not believe until he sent me the herbal medicine and i took it as instructed by this great man, only to go to the hospital after two weeks for another test and i was confirmed negative. For the first time in four years i was getting that result. i want to use this medium to thank this great man. His name is Dr aziegbe, i came in contact with his email through a friend in UK and ever since then my live has been full with laughter and great peace of mind. i urge you all with herpes or HSV to contact him if you willing to give him a chance. you can contact him through this email DRAZIEGBE1SPELLHOME@GMAIL .COM or you can also WhatsApp him +2349035465208
    He also cured my friend with HIV and ever since then i strongly believe he can do all things. Don't be deceived thinking he does not work, i believe if you can get in contact with this man all your troubles will be over. i have done my part in spreading the good news. Contact him through his email and you will be the next to testify of his great work.


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