Lifestyle | Coffee With C (2.24.17)

Hi guys!

I thought it would be fun to do a "blog coffee date" every now and then on here just to keep you guys updated! I've seen similar type posts recently and love reading them. I find them so interesting to read on the regular blogs that I follow so I thought I'd give one a shot! 

Q: What have you been loving?
A: As always, I LOVE my coffee! I've been loving this organic SkinnyCoffeeClub coffee! It gives a healthy energy boost to my mornings and it helps with bloating too (which I suffer from!). I wanted to try it because I'm always looking for new, organic coffee with a history that I trust. 
And I can't deny, I'm in love with that packaging! Ahh with the pink and the hearts, it's just too cute.

If you'd like to try it for yourself, 
use my code: "bgbychristina" 
to get 20% off!

I'm loving the group prayer text chain that I have going with my family. It's my mom, dad, sister and I it it and we send encouragement and lift up prayers for each other throughout the week. Each person has a day of the week that they lead the prayers and scripture for the group. I've felt so encouraged and connected to my family through this. I would definitely suggest this for any family! It was my sister's idea! Thanks Kac, it's been such a blessing. :)

I love making dinners with my husband. 

I've been loving the unusually warm weather for February that we've been having! I love that that Tutti Dolci line has come back to Bath and Body Works. That was my jam back in the day!!! I seriously can't wait to go smell the new scents.
& I've been loving all bath bombs.

Q: What have you been wearing?
A: I've been wearing a lot of floral prints, especially dark florals. I've also been wearing a lot of hats recently. I think a hat can make almost any look chic! When I'm at home, I wear a lot of yoga pants... like pretty much every day haha. I also have this super fluffy + snuggly pink jacket that I got for Christmas and I wear it all of the time. (HERE is the jacket)

Q: What have you been listening to?
A: Fred and I were given a lot of records over the holiday season, so we've been trying a lot of those out! Last night we listened to the record Best of Burt Bacharach and we love listening to our Born to Die record by Lana Del Rey. I've been listening to some Kayne West, mostly his older stuff. On my Pandora account, I've been listening to Beyonce radio and Kid Cudi radio. 

Q: Where have you been going?
A: Fred and I have been exploring some new places in our city and having some really fun spontaneous dates. We're going on one tonight, but we're not sure where yet. It will be fun to see where we end up! We've both been craving donuts, so my guess is the night will end in donuts. 

Q: What have you been watching?
A: I have gotten Fred to watch Hart of Dixie with me on Netflix! So we've been watching that a couple times a week. I also binge watch my favorite Youtubers! Recently, it's been the channel Ellie and Jared and my girl Casey Holmes.

Q: What have you been reading?
A: The daily devotional that I'm doing is called For Such a Time as This Gospels Volume 2 Comfort from Meditations... longest name ever haha! It's by Northwestern Publishing House. For fun, I've been reading Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone by J.K.Rowling. I think I'm the only person in the world who hasn't read the Harry Potter series! I've been reading Full Catastrophe Living by Jon Kabat-Zinn and it is so interesting. It talks through chronic pain and gives wisdom on how to live your life to the fullest in the midst of chronic pain. 

Q: What have you been eating?
A: I've been craving chicken noodle soup! Last night, Fred made a delicious, homemade batch for me. I'm going to eat the leftovers for lunch. I cannot get enough of it. I've also eaten a lot of macarons lately and one can never have too many macarons! With us going to NYC this month, we left with a stash of my favorite macarons (and we ate some while we were there of course). We also had the most delicious pastries for breakfast there! I got a treat called a Plan Au Chocolat and it was soo soo good. It was a pastry stuffed with creamy chocolate. Another day, we both got really yummy scones.  & I've been loving this peanut butter that I bought. It has so much less sugar than normal peanut butter and it's made with peanuts and coconut oil. It is super delicious and tastes like dessert! 

Q: What have you been buying?
A: The last thing that I bought was an iced coffee from Starbucks. I've also bought groceries this week and picked up some items that Fred was out of. I'm running low on some staple hair products that I use almost every day, so I'm going to pick those up soon!

I'd love for you all to answer these questions, or just tell me what you've been loving this month!

Happy Happy F R I D A Y! 
Have a lovely weekend friends!


Christina xx

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Praise be to the Lord, to God, our Savior, who daily bears our burdens.
Psalm 68:19


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