We are SO in love with our new framed artwork. Modern Map Art makes such unique map art of your favorite cities. I instantly fell in love with their maps. I'd actually been wanting a framed map type piece for our place, so this was perfect! I think a framed map looks really chic and it gives warm homey vibes as it represents a place that is special to you. It doesn't get any better than that. I know so many people that I think would love these map art pieces! They make really cool gifts. I'm definitely keeping these in mind for future presents.
& We sure love Columbus in this household because it's the city that we met each other in. It's also a pretty great city to explore, if I do say so myself!
Fred and I have been doing a few small home improvement projects and it's been so fun to work together and move things around. This past weekend, we spent some time organizing and cleaning. It feels so good to spring clean! That is one thing that I look forward to with the month of March. We took a mini break from the work on Sunday and had a donuts and coffee date. That date made my heart so happy, all of my favorite things in one place. It was a great start to my week! I hope you're all having a lovely week.
Christina xx
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Rise up and pray.
Luke 22:46
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