Lifestyle | Coffee With C (3.16.17)

Hi friends!

Have some coffee with me, let's chat!

 I took these questions from my sister-in-law's blog post from a few weeks ago - 
check that out HERE to see what she's been up to!

Q: Eating?
A: These past couple of weeks I've been experimenting with some new dinner recipes on Pinterest! It's been interesting planning meals that both Fred and I can eat, but it's been a really fun challenge. I love trying new recipes. My diet can get very bland so I always get excited when I find a new recipe that I love! I've been trying to follow a low-fodmap, low-residue diet for my Ulcerative Colitis and I've been surprised to see that there are a lot of yummy dinner recipes that I can make where we can both eat the same thing! I've also found it easier than I thought it would be to alter the recipes a bit so Fred's can have more flavor or more ingredients than mine. It's been so fun to cook new things for us!  I'm so thankful for yummy food!

The last couple of meals that I've made us are:
- Chicken Quesadillas W/A Lime Salsa
- Hot Italian Subs
- Ham + Cheese Stuffed Chicken Breasts W/ Slow Cooker Thyme Mashed Potatoes

I've also been baking coconut flour banana muffins and they are delicious! Fred loves them too!
HERE is the recipe if you wanna check it out for yourself!

Q: Drinking?
A: I've been having a glass of water with ice and lemon slices every morning and I love it! I think it's so refreshing and it's become a habit now. It's the first thing that I want in the mornings. I also have either a cup of iced peppermint tea or an iced coffee with coconut milk. I crave coffee absolutely every day but I don't drink it every day.

Q: Reading?
A: I've been reading She Read Truth's last year's lenten devotional. I didn't finish it last year so I was excited to start it again this year. I'm also still reading For Such a Time as This - Gospels Meditations and Full Catastrophe Living by Jon Kabat Zinn. Full Catastrophe Living has been really interesting so far. It gives a lot of insightful information and tips on how to cope with stress and pain.

Q: Listening to?
A: I am OBSESSED with the song "Say You Won't Let Go" by James Arthur. You have to listen to it, you will love it. I can't help singing along every time it's on. I've also been listening to a lot of Ron Pope & the Ron Pope Pandora radio station (he is one of my ultimate faves).

Q: Watching?
A: This week I introduced Fred to the wonderful world of Bridget Jones haha. We watched Bridget Jones's Diary together - it's one of my favorites! We've also been watching Hart of Dixie together sometimes. I've been watching Sarah Beth Yoga's 30 Day Yoga Challenge  and I've been loving it. If you're looking to get started with yoga, I definitely definitely recommend this challenge! Sarah makes sure it's not just a physical routine, she adds mindfulness and positivity into every session.

Q: Planning?
A: I've been planning out some spring blog posts and video ideas. I've been planning some warm weather outfits. And I'm planning a fun St. Patrick's Day dinner for Fred!

Q: Receiving?
A: Grace.
 I've received a lot of kindness lately, a lot of support and a lot of love & I can feel it.
I should have some fun stuff coming in the mail! Some spring apparel + some new cosmetics!

Q: Giving?
A: I'm hoping to donate some more clothes again this month once I get some time to finish going through everything! I'm excited to finish my spring cleaning. I also will have some jewelry and accessories to give away - maybe I should do a giveaway. Would you guys like that? Let me know!
I've been learning how to give Fred haircuts. Man, has it been a learning experience for me haha. Last week, I didn't realize the guard was off and I shaved a square into the back of his head while I was only wanting to straighten the back of the hairline that was already cut. It was terrible. I felt so bad! I have no idea how he handled it so well, he stayed so calm and laughed about it after. Hopefully, I'll get better with practice.

Q: Feeling?
A: Very very grateful. It's been so wonderful to have good health days and be able to do more than I've been able to do for awhile. I've been feeling excited with work and collaborations! I've just been  feeling very motivated and inspired lately and I don't want it to end!

Q: Celebrating?
A: Celebrating the continued healing of my loved ones! Celebrating the health victories that I've seen! Celebrating the love of God and how we've recently felt it shown to us through our earthly friends & family.

Q: Praying about?
A: I've been praying for my family and their specific prayer requests and even their unspoken prayer requests. (My dad, mom, sister & I have a group text where we pray for each other through the week and it's been so uplifting and encouraging for me.)
I also pray for my husband and our life together. I pray for physical healing over my body. I pray for my Aunt Becky's health. I pray for strength, comfort, joy and wisdom. I pray for peace on Earth. I pray for trust and faith & relief from anxiety... and healing prayers always.

Q: Giving up?
A: Fred and I moved our TV out of our living room space and put it in our bedroom. We had a smaller screen in the bedroom, so we took that and put it in our office. We decided to try and give up "escaping" too much. We want our time together to be more intentional and we thought this would be a cool thing to try. We've only been watching Netflix when we want to relax and chill before bed or watch a movie together. Since we did that, we've watched much less Netflix and we've done some really cool things together. I would definitely suggest trying it if you feel that you and your spouse, or you and your roommate just watch stuff because it's on, or because it's the center of your living space.   One night, we opened the blinds and the window and watched a storm and listened to the rain. We ended up talking about the tree in our backyard and that led to a really interesting conversation. We've been listening to our record player more. & Another night I was doing the dishes and Fred surprised me by turning our dining room into a dance party. He has a "party light bulb" that you can just put in the place of a regular light bulb and when you turn it on it acts like a disco ball. I thought he was changing our bulb but instead he was getting the lights ready for the dance party. It was so silly and unexpected, I loved it so much. Give it a try, see what adventures you get into it!

Hope you enjoyed catching up with me! What have y'all been up to?!

Hope you have a lovely Thursday!


Christina xx

Find me on:
SNAPCHAT: bgbychristina 

This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalm 118:24 


  1. Thanks for the mention ;) Now I'm sitting here giggling about Fred watching Bridget Jones' diary. Haha!


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