Style | 4.20.17 (BEARPAW Gracie Part 1)

Hi friends!

What beautiful weather we've been having! I am loving this sunshine no coat weather. The arrival of spring is such a mood booster. We had a great weekend and I'm so glad that I was able to be out and about the entire weekend soaking up the sun, because I've been in bed the past 4 days! I had a migraine for 48 hours and it kept me awake 2 nights in a row and I've just felt sick since then. I've been so nauseous and sick to my stomach and the headache has stuck around, but thankfully the migraine has subsided. Thank you for all of the well wishes! I still need them. I hope I feel better for the weekend!

Okay guys, I seriously love the new BEARPAW Bearly There collection. The shoes in the collection really are so lightweight and comfy! I have 2 pairs of the Gracie lace-up style and I love them both. These are them in the color Linen. I really like this color because it's so neutral it looks good with a lot of color schemes. I have them in the color Rose as well --- I will be showcasing them on the blog next week! I love the fun, magenta color they are. It's a nice contrast in my shoe wardrobe to these neutral babes! By the way, I'm still pumped about being a Brand Ambassador for them! I love you BEARPAW!

 If you'd like to try a pair from the Bearly There collection or any pair of their shoes for that matter, you can use my special code:
for 15 % off!
(This code expires August 15, 2017 & currently is only valid on US purchases.)

So story time...
While we were shooting these pictures, a friendly cat came up to Fred and I kept rubbing up against our legs. He wouldn't leave us alone it was so funny! Fred thought I said "He looks so dirty" so he kept trying to dodge him while he was taking the pictures and I was confused because Fred usually loves and pets all animals even strays. I found out when we were done that he misheard what I said about the cat. I had said "He looks so furry" not "He looks so dirty" hahaha it was hilarious. He thought the cat had mud on him or something so he didn't want the cat to get on him because we were going places after this shoot.
Happy almost weekend friends!
Are you excited to see this style in Rose?! Which color would you buy?


Christina xx

Gracie Lace-Ups - BEARPAW
Similar Gray Sweater - Forever 21
Black Denim - Forever 21
Flower Choker - Francesca's
Similar Be Brave Pendant - Rue 21
Aviators - Charlotte Russe
Similar Silver Bracelet + Rings Set - Rue 21

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