Lifestyle | The Husband Tag Part 1 + Happiest of Birthdays To My Love

Hi friends!

Today is my husband Fred's birthday! For me, this is the best day of the entire year. Fred has been the biggest blessing from God and I honestly didn't know a guy like him could exist in this world. He truly is my person. We just click and we have from the start. We can talk and talk for hours on end and sit in perfect silence. I really believe that we are kindred spirits.

Fred is so kind and he hates saying anything bad about anyone. He inspires me to bite my tongue and to find the good in others. Fred is incredibly intelligent. He's the smartest person that I know and his hunger to learn and determination to be the best he can be, pushes me to give my all and pursue new goals for myself. Fred is strong because he isn't afraid to be gentle. I love that Fred can be serious and talk to anyone about any subject, but he's also the goofiest and makes me laugh so dang hard every day. Fred is creative and he encourages my imagination. He loves Jesus and works hard to put the people in his life first, above himself. The first couple of months that we were together, I would wake up afraid that everything had been a dream. I didn't think it could be real. Fred has stood by me through every hardship and darkness that has come my way. One of our first dates was spent in a hospital bed. When we  learned about my illness I was afraid that he would walk away, but he held on tighter. When that very same illness spiraled out of control, I was afraid that he would walk away, but he held on tighter. He continues to lift my spirit, love my heart and hold me tighter.

Fred, I can't promise what the days will hold for us, but I can promise to always hold you tighter. You have every one of my days forever.

I thought it was the perfect day to introduce Fred on my YouTube channel. All of y'all already know Fred, but if you'd like to see him answer the husband tag questions that we filmed stop by and watch our video HERE! We're so new to making videos and there is a TON of stuff I don't know about the process. So come along on this journey with us as we work to learn more, improve the channel and have a little fun along the way! Your support means the world to us. If you check out the video, definitely let me know what you think and subscribe if you'd like to see all of the videos that we're going to create together!

A few of the questions he answered in the video are:
1. Where did we meet?
2. Where was our first date?
3. What was your first impression of me?
4. When did you meet my family?
5. Do I have any weird obsessions?
& a ton of others!

So if you're curious, definitely give it a watch! These are from the usual "boyfriend/husband" tag that  has gone around YouTube for awhile now. We definitely did not create it! Also, there is a Part 2 of the tag coming very soon, so be on the lookout for that! 

If you know Fred, be sure to wish him a happy birthday!

How's your Monday been?!


Christina xx

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You are never alone. I, the Lord am with you wherever you go...
- Joshua 1:9

* Photo by Kylie Noelle Photography 


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