Lifestyle | Coffee With C (6.17)

Hi guys!

Happy July + Happy Monday!

Grab some coffee, let's chat!

Sorry this is coming a little bit late. I hope you all had a lovely June. June is one of my absolutely favorite months, because it's my birthday month! I had such a great birthday this year. Thank you all for the sweet wishes! Fred was in Japan for work on my birthday, but he still made me feel so special. He had set up a scavenger hunt for me around our apartment, complete with hints that were pictures on an old phone so I could find all of my gifts. It was the most adorable thing. At the end of the scavenger hunt Fred left a video with a birthday message for me! It made me cry happy tears haha! I loved it all so much! It was an amazing gift. I also got to spend time with my family and friends that week and everything was just so special!

Now for some currently questions! (& I did steal these from my sister's adorable blog Life As Louise ... you can check out her latest "Currently" post here!


I'm on a muffin kick. I don't know what it is, but I'm obsessed with chocolate chip muffins (especially the ones from Tim Horton's haha). I'm also wanting to make a lot of healthy muffin recipes!

Coffee as always and this month hot chocolate, specifically Cocoa Locks! It's a really yummy hot chocolate for hair growth. That's right mermaid babes, it helps you get that mermaid hair of your dreams! I'm giving it a shot because I've been wanting to take some vitamins that promote healthy hair. My hair falls out a lot and I'm pretty sure it's the slowest growing hair in the world haha. Next time I drink it, I'm going to try it iced!

Listening to: 
My top 5 Pandora stations this month were:
1. 90s Pop
2. The Lumineers
3. Florence + The Machine
4. Ray LaMontagne
5. Destiny's Child

I've been reading the book Z: A Novel Of Zelda Fitzgerald by Therese Anne Fowler and it's been incredibly interesting so far! I'm definitely taking it on vacation with me.

Once again, I'm obsessed with Pretty Little Liars. I've been rewatching all of the old seasons on Netflix.

One of my sweet friends later this afternoon for coffee!

Praying about:
My family and their special prayers and a lot of prayers regarding health matters.

Raging about:
The dreams I've been having. My dreams have been so terrible lately and they feel so real. I've been waking up mad about something that happened in my sleep haha.

Dreaming about:
A girls trip to Arizona! Give me that desert sunset!

Looking forward to:
Our vacation with Fred's family this week!

How was your month?!


Christina xx

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And a person with a changed heart seeks praise from God, not from people.
Romans 2:29


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