Style | Bell Sleeves + Suede Dress {Not A Survivor, But A Warrior}

Hi, guys!

Man, I got hit hard with the coming of the new month! I felt sick for over a week. The last couple of winters have been really hard on me. I feel like I was sick more days than I was healthy last winter. I'm praying I'll have a healthier season this year, but I'm afraid it's starting early seeing how the beginning of November's been... but fingers crossed! 

I like to wear bell sleeves, because they make me feel more whimsical haha. When my sleeves flutter, I'm instantly in a better mood. This top is one of my new favorites in my wardrobe. You can wear it alone, over dresses, and under sweaters. It's just perfect! I got it from Rosegal. I believe it's sold out, but they have one here that's super similar!

I got this butterfly necklace at the Buffalo Exchange Spring opening in Columbus and I love it so much. I think it's so unique. I had never seen what like it.
Not A Survivor, But A Warrior
As someone with an chronic illness, it can very difficult at times to separate myself from my illness. I often see myself negatively. I let my confidence take some major hits in my negative self-talk. I'm frustrated when my body doesn't let me do what I want to. I'm guilty when I cancel plans. I'm crushed when miss opportunities. I'm disappointed when I can't create the work that I want to create. I'm lonely when I can't be the person I want to be. There are a lot of adjustments that I've had to make in these 3 years of having UC. Whether you are a sufferer of chronic illness or not, I'm sure that you can relate on some level to self-doubt and negative self-image. I've come to realize how important it is to think and speak kindly to yourself especially when you're going through really trying times. It's incredibly important to strengthen yourself through your words. Speak positively to yourself when you try your best, when you give your all and when you listen to your body's needs. Tell yourself that you are not a survivor, but a warrior. I often feel weak because of how often I'm sick and because of my many limitations. You might feel weak for your own unique reasons. I want you to know that you are strong! You are a warrior every day that you choose to rise above the darkness that is in your life. Every day that you choose light and continue to try in the face of struggle is a victory. 
Remember, not a survivor, but a warrior. 

So random, but are you guys already daydreamin' about your Thanksgiving dinner?! Maybe, it's just because I've been under the weather but I am craving mashed potatoes and noodles!


Christina xx

Similar Bell Sleeve Top - Rosegal
Similar Faux Suede Dress - Rue 21
Similar Black Newsboy Cap - Rue 21
Black Booties - Charlotte Russe 
Similar Butterfly Necklace - Buffalo Exchange 

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And he said to the woman, your faith has said you; go in peace.
Luke 7:50

*I've received product from Rosegal and Buffalo Exchange. All opinions are 100% my own. Thank you for supporting the companies that support BG by Christina! 


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