Style | A New Year's Eve Look 2 Ways (With + Without Vest)

Hi, friends!

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas! I had an amazing holiday with my family. I'm so thankful for such a great Christmas this year! Fred and I are at my parents house for few days and I'm loving it. I'm soaking up every minute I can with my family and their pups.

I hope you all have an incredibly awesome New Year's Eve + New Year! I've been writing my resolutions, let me know if you guys want to know mine. I'm so excited for the projects that are coming to my blog in 2018! I have so much I can't wait to share with you guys.

I think this is a really nice dress alternative for a holiday gathering and/or New Year's Eve. I always get a lot of compliments on this skirt and I found it for $5! I like pairing it with a black turtleneck that I got at Rosegal. You just can't go wrong with a classic black turtleneck! In just about every situation, it looks chic and timeless.
Do you guys have any resolutions?


Christina xx

Similar Lavender Shimmer Maxi Skirt - Rue 21
Black Turtleneck - Rosegal
Similar Black Strappy Flats - Lulu's
Similar Black Faux Fur Vest - Vintage
Similar Stone Statement Earrings - Lulu's

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Then was our mouth filled with laughter... The Lord hath done great things...
Psalm 126:2

*I've received product from Rosegal. All opinions are 100% my own. Thank you for supporting the companies that support BG by Christina! 
