Coffee W/C {Winter 2018}

Hi, friends!

It's time for a winter coffee chat.

If you're curious what I've been up too recently, just keep on readin'!

Current Celebration:
Each new day. Every day holds something special and I've just been enjoying daily life. I don't want to take for granted any day, especially not the days that I feel well and able to accomplish things!

Also, we haven't put all of our Christmas stuff away because I just can't part with it yet! I'm always crazy late in putting it all away. I look forward to Christmas all year, so we still celebrate it a few weeks after it's come and gone! I'm still watching Christmas movies too. Christmas movies are for all winter not just the holiday season!

Current Confession:
I'm dreaming about the bubble bath that I'm about to take...

Current Product Find:
It has not been an easy task to find decently priced organic hair spray and makeup setting spray, but I've found some! I got them both on Amazon and I'm really excited to try them!

You can find them here:
Alcohol Free Organic Lavender Setting Spray
Herbal Choice Mari Organic Hair Spray

Curent Plan:
I created new morning and night plans for the new year, but I've struggled to follow through with either of them so far. I have a lot of daily and weekly plans for work, self-care, and house upkeep that  I've made for 2018. I want to be better at executing them and making them regular parts of my routine!

Current Book:
I'm obsessed with the book, A Book That Takes Its Time by Irene Smit and Astrid van der Hulst. I've mentioned it on Instagram and I've actually been sharing my favorite passages on my Instagram stories as I go along and read it. You can follow me on my Instagram if you're interested! This book was a Christmas gift from my awesome sister-in-law. She also has a blog, you can check it out here! The book description says that it's an unhurried adventure in creative mindfulness. I love that it gives you activities to do andt has fun pop-ups and cut-outs that add to the reading experience.

P.S- I've never seen a book this cute. Do yourself a favor and buy it here!

Current Purchase:
That last thing that I bought is a secret... because it's for my best friend's bridal shower! I've been buying a lot of fun things for that recently. 

Current Drink:
My current favorite drink is from Starbucks! It's an iced coffee with coconut milk and a few pumps of mocha syrup. It's a delicious midday pick me up. I usually get an iced coffee with coconut milk and zero sweetener, but every now and then I'll add a little mocha! 

Current Show:
I'm watching New Girl as I write this! I've also been watching my old OC DVDs! 

Current Want:
Random, but I'm wanting to find a plain sweater dress.

 I've also been craving macarons all week. It's been a long time since I've had some so I hope I get one (or two) this weekend!

Current Obsession:
I've found a new family vlog channel that I love! It's 8 Passengers on Youtube. Their family is adorable! I've been binge watching their videos this week. 

Also, the twisted peppermint body cream from Bath & Body Works is amazing. I'm obsessed with that scent right now!

I found this survey on Carrots 'N' Cake!
 How's your winter going so far? Are you sticking to your resolutions?


Christina xx

Find me on:

Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you.
Psalm 143:8


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