Lifestyle | Spring Snapshots 2018

Hi, friends!

I'm sorry this is getting up so late! All of my spring recap posts have come late this year. I always share some fun snapshot type pictures on my Instagram, so definitely make sure you're following me there if you enjoy seeing the pictures that don't make it onto my blog posts.

You can find me here @bgbychristina :)
Spring was such a busy season this year for Fred and I. Seriously, it felt like I blinked and spring had already come and gone! My best friend, Tiffany got married in April and all of the wedding celebrations were so much fun. We made so many incredible memories with our friends! I'm so thankful for this season of our lives where we get to celebrate the huge milestones of our friends. There have been many babies born and many weddings to attend recently! Sometimes, our weekends feel a bit hectic with so many things going on at once but it really is a wonderful time for us.

Spring always seems to be a static season for me. I sometimes feel guilty for thinking that way because spring is such a beautiful time for our Earth and it represents rebirth & growth. However, I often feel a bit complacent in the spring. I think some of it is due to cabin fever. It's still pretty dang cold in Ohio during the springtime and I'm ready to pull out the sundresses by March haha.

I'm grateful for a great spring and so happy that's it's summer now! I love the summertime.

How's your summer going so far?


Christina xx

Find me on:

Seek the Lord and his strength, seek his face continually.
1 Chronicles 16:11


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