Home | 5 Things I Didn't Expect About Becoming A Homeowner

*This post is sponsored by Bearded Brothers Moving Group, LLC 

All opinions are 100% my own. Thank you for supporting the companies who support bgbychristina!

Hi, my friends! 


This is a post I’ve wanted to write for a while now. We just passed the one-year anniversary of us becoming homeowners and what an exciting journey it has been. There’s so much that comes along with homeownership that I hadn’t expected!

I’ve been pretty much MIA here on my blog this year, because I’ve been focusing more on social media content, but I’m sorry that I haven’t shared much about our first home here on my blog. 

Stay tuned though, because I have a lot of home posts planned for the upcoming holiday season! 


Today, I want to chat a bit about the new homeowner journey that I’m on. 

Here are five things about homeownership that I didn’t expect:


1)    Moving Is Very Stressful 

Moving feels stressful under any circumstances, but there’s something about moving into your first house that feels especially stressful! There’s so much new information you have to learn about owning a house before you can make the big move. 


& The actual process of packing everything up and moving is the hardest! Our friends and family were so kind and helped us move all of our things from our apartment into our new house, but looking back now, I regret not having a moving company come. Hiring a moving team would have been a major stress reducer in the moving process! Bearded Brothers Moving Group, LLC is a labor moving Youngstown OH based group and they specialize in making the moving experience a more enjoyable one!


I also had forgotten how emotional moving was! It’s such a bittersweet thing. I cried so many times during the packing up process. Fred and I were so excited to move into our first house, but there was sadness in leaving the first place that we had ever shared together. The day that we said goodbye to that little apartment, my heart ached. I still remember saying farewell and taking one last look through blurry eyes at the place that we had first made our home together. 

Anything that you can do to make the moving process less stressful will be so worth it in the end. 

My 3 best advice tips are: ahead of time, give yourself time to organize what you’re packing and hire a moving team! 


2)   There Are So Many Decisions To Make

There have been so many decisions to make regarding the house! Who knew there were a million shades of white paint?!  I’ve found it difficult to decorate bigger rooms, because I’ve only ever decorated small spaces before.

 You have to decide the layout of the rooms, the furniture, the décor and all the details! Sometimes, it all just adds up to feel like a decision-making overload! I’m an indecisive person by nature so this has been a growing experience for me.

3)   It’s Incredible to Have Your Own Space

I didn’t know just how nice it would feel to have space of my own that I could do what I want with! One of my favorite things about homeownership has been the ability to make the space my own. I have loved cultivating each room and adding little details around the house that have special meaning to me. It’s the love and the soulful details that make a house a home.



4)   The Projects Are Endless


The projects are endless! I feel like that’s something all homeowners say haha but there really is such truth to it! We always have a project that we’re working on, or something new that we want to do with the place. There’s also a lot more upkeep that comes with a house versus an apartment!



5)   The Community Feeling That Comes With A Neighborhood Is So Nice 


I don’t know why exactly, but there wasn’t much of a neighborhood feeing in the apartment complex that we lived in. Don’t get me wrong; we had some friendly neighbors who we loved, but for the most part everyone kept to themselves. The neighborhood at our new house has felt a lot more like a community! Here we chat with our neighbors about plants and kitties and on our first walk around the neighborhood, a few sweet neighbors gave us Luna! The ice cream truck even stops right outside our house and honks because they know I usually run out to get a treat! There has just been a nice warm feeling since we’ve lived here. 


Let me know if any of these five things resonate with you! I would love to know something you didn’t expect about becoming a homeowner, or about getting your first apartment, etc.!



Christina xx

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